Disable AutoPlay in Windows Vista
by Razvan on Mar.11, 2009, under Windows
Windows Vista’s AutoPlay options are a great improvement over Windows XP in terms of flexibility, but unfortunately there are so many options that it can be confusing, especially since there’s no specific mention of USB Flash drives in the options.
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How To Bring Back the Old Menus in Office 2007
by Razvan on Mar.11, 2009, under Software, Windows
Using the new Ribbon feature in Office 2007 takes time to learn…time you don’t have because projects are stacking up. Today we will look at UBitMenu, a utility that puts the familiar Office 2003 menu into the 2007 ribbon.
When I first tried Office 2007 it took a lot of frustrating time figuring out where all of the features were located. It is laid out much differently than previous versions of office. When the “pointy-haired bosses” require deadlines to be met you don’t have time to learn where everything is. This is where UBitMenu comes in, it places the classic 2003 menu in as a new ribbon.
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Disable Autoplay of Audio CDs and USB Drives
by Razvan on Mar.11, 2009, under Software, Windows
I find it very annoying when I go home from work and plug my laptop into my external hard drive… The autoplay window always pops up and asks me what I want to do with the files, which may be fine the first time, but definitely isn’t after a year of that.
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Rip DVDs to Video Files Easily with FormatFactory (Windows)
by Razvan on Mar.11, 2009, under Software, Windows
So, you want to rip DVDs to video files on Windows, but you’re not sure where to begin? While there are a ton of guides on the Internet on how to accomplish this task, most of them get complicated really quickly.
In this simple guide, I’m going to show you how to easily rip a DVD to a video file in as few steps as possible. Ready? Let’s get started.
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WinPrint routes print jobs from DOS to Windows USB printers
by Razvan on Mar.05, 2009, under Software, Windows
As much as I’d like it to not be the case, some of my customers still rely on clunky (but functional) DOS applications to manage their businesses. While their applications tend not to change, their hardware does – which invariably leads to problems.
Take printing , example. If your business is stuck with a DOS application and restricts you to a half dozen or so “supported” printers, you may think that you’ll have to use that HP Laserjet IIp forever. DOS isn’t all that fond of printing to USB printers.
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How to: Romove the annoing pop-up on free-edition of Avira AntiVir
by Razvan on Mar.04, 2009, under Security, Software, Windows
For years now I have used the free edition of AVG Antivirus, but recently I switched to Avira AntiVir (free edition). I still like AVG, but a number of reports show that it suffers in comparison to AntiVir. While my system has not had a virus in a long time, I decided to give AntiVir a whirl.
I like it, for the most part. However, there are a couple of easy hacks improvements that one can make.
Disable the Annoying Popup
The free edition of Avira AntiVir comes with an nagging popup window that rears its ugly head after each update (usually) every day, begging you to consider upgrading to the premium version. The popup is easy to dismiss, but annoying nonetheless. I understand that Avira needs to make money, but every single day is excessive.
Anyway, here is how to disable it:
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Configurare Outlook Express
by Razvan on Mar.04, 2009, under Windows
Configurare Microsoft Outlook
by Razvan on Mar.04, 2009, under Windows
Aceasta pagina contine câteva informatii utile pentru configurarea Microsoft Outlook
Configurarea acestui client necesita parcurgerea urmatorilor pasi:
Pasul 1. Porniti aplicatia Microsoft Office Outlook. Daca aceasta este prima utilizare a aplicatiei, se va porni automat si programul de configurare a conturilor: