
Archive for May 9th, 2009

Forcing Windows XP’s Disk Cleanup to delete all temporary files

by on May.09, 2009, under How to, Windows

If you’ve ever run the Windows XP’s Disk Cleanup utility, you probably discovered that your temporary files occupy a significant amount of space. You might select the Temporary Files check box in order to allow the Disk Cleanup utility to delete the files in the Temp folder, but the Disk Cleanup utility will not remove all of the files. The reason for this oddity is that the configuration for the Disk Cleanup utility does not allow deletion of files accessed in the last seven days.
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10+ keyboard shortcuts for working efficiently with Outlook items

by on May.09, 2009, under How to, Outlook, Windows

The user universe is divided into mousers and keyboarders, with the latter group stoutly insisting that it’s faster to keep your fingers on the keyboard than to stop and pick up the mouse to execute a command. If some of your users are in the keyboard camp, these basic shortcuts will be right up their alley.

The shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Create an appointment Ctrl+Shift+A
Create a contact Ctrl+Shift+C
Create a folder Ctrl+Shift+E
Create a journal entry Ctrl+Shift+J
Create a distribution list Ctrl+Shift+L
Create a message Ctrl+Shift+M
Create a meeting request Ctrl+Shift+Q
Create a note Ctrl+Shift+N
Create a task Ctrl+Shift+K
Create a task request Ctrl+Shift+U
Create a fax Ctrl+Shift+X
Send a message Alt+S
Reply to a message Ctrl+R
Reply All to a message Ctrl+Shift+R
Forward a message Ctrl+F
Mark a message as read Ctrl+Q
Delete an item Ctrl+D
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